Residential Experience
Residential Experience Mission
Through an intentional residential experience, rooted in the Catholic and Lasallian traditions, we co-create supportive and transformative living and learning environments. We develop dynamic leaders, cultivate connections, and provide services, programs, and facilities that are community focused and justice driven.
Residential Experience Vision
We aspire to co-create residential communities where students excel academically, develop meaningful relationships, and engage in transformative experiences, driving positive change within and beyond the campus community.
How do we support a resident's experience?
Residential Staff Opportunities
Each residence hall on campus is staffed with Resident Advisors and Resident Directors who serve as a resource for residential students during their time living on campus.
Residence Hall Association (RHA)
RHA is a student-led organization that provides engagement and programming opportunities for residential students.
Living Learning Communities (LLCs)
A living learning community is a specialized living and learning environment that embodies curricular and co-curricular components.